Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May 6: Trillium and Rue Anenome

I found a couple rarities on this walk...the first because it seems to show up less and less, and the second because I haven't seen this flower before.

The first flower is Trillium, a famous and beloved flower in Michigan.
 Sadly, this is the only Trillium I have seen so far in the woods near my house. Hopefully there will be more as the year progresses. We get a lot of deer in the woods and I'm wondering if they are eating them.

I'm pretty sure this next flower is a Rue Anenome. 
Rue Anenome
 Unlike False Rue Anenome, Rue Anenome often has more than five petals, though sometimes it only has five. Rue Anenome doesn't have any nector -- only pollen -- so it relies on its showiness to attract bees. It's related to the buttercup and is poisonous, so deer don't like to eat it. Deer are attracted to white flowers though, so maybe they're simply going for the Trillium instead.

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